
  • Sunday Mornings
  • 9:45 AM
  • Nease High School

Join the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Thank you for considering a donation to Praying on It. By partnering with us, you become an instrument of hope in the fight against human trafficking. Together, we can make a difference and bring an end to this heinous crime.


The Reality of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a grave evil that affects millions of lives worldwide. It involves the exploitation and coercion of individuals, primarily women and children, for various purposes such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, and organ trafficking. It is a violation of human dignity and a deep wound in our society.

A Christian Call to Action

As followers of Christ, we are called to stand against injustice and defend the vulnerable. The Bible reminds us of the value and worth of every human being, emphasizing the importance of love, compassion, and justice. We must unite as a community, drawing strength from our faith, and actively work to end this atrocity.

Your Purchase Can Make a Difference

When you purchase our products, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Tim Tebow Anti Human Trafficking non-profit organization. Through this partnership, we support their vital work in rescuing victims, providing aftercare, raising awareness, and advocating for stronger legislation against human trafficking. Your contribution helps fund these critical initiatives and brings us closer to eradicating this evil.

Together, Let's Make an Impact

Donate Diapers, Share Love

In addition to monetary donations, we encourage you to consider donating our diapers to diaper banks or any other organization that supports families in need. Your generosity can bring comfort and relief to parents who face financial hardships. Together, we can ensure that every child is provided for and loved.

Your donation is more than a financial contribution; it is a symbol of compassion and solidarity. Together, we can shed light on the darkness, bring healing to survivors, and prevent further victimization. By joining forces, we can create a future where human trafficking is eradicated, and all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and love.

To make a donation to the Tim Tebow Anti Human Trafficking non-profit organization or learn more about their important work, please click here


Every donation, big or small, makes a meaningful impact. Thank you for standing with us in the fight against human trafficking. Your support, prayers, and generosity are instrumental in transforming lives and bringing hope to those who have suffered.